Rifle Powders

Smokeless rifle powder
- Suitable for all semi-automatic and bolt-action rifles
- Ideal for heavy 223 and 308 match bullets
- Very consistent across temperature extremes

Power Pro® 1200-R
Smokeless double base spherical powder
- Designed for .223 progressive loading
- Meters well
- Double base formulation
- Lot to lot consistency
- Made in the U.S.A.

Power Pro™ 2000-MR (Medium Rifle)
Smokeless spherical medium rifle powder
- Improved velocity and density for more efficient metering and loading
- Excellent performance in heavy .223 and .308 loads
- Enables reloaders to duplicate certain factory loaded ammunition

Power Pro™ 4000-MR (Magnum Rifle)
Smokeless spherical magnum rifle powder
- Improved velocity and density for more efficient metering and loading
- Superior performance in the 7mm and .300 Win. Mag. cartridges
- Enables reloaders to duplicate certain medium rifle heavy bullet factory loads

Power Pro™ Varmint
Smokeless spherical light rifle powder
- Improved velocity and density for more efficient metering and loading
- Enables reloaders to duplicate certain factory loaded ammunition
- Excellent performance in the standard varmint cartridges

Reloder® 7
Smokeless small rifle powder
- Small caliber varmint loads
- Meters consistently
- Great for .45-70 and .450 Marlin

Reloder® 10x
Smokeless small bore rifle powder
- Excellent for bench rest cartridges
- Great in 223 and 22-250 with light bullets
- Optimum velocity in small cal varmint loads

Reloder® TS 11
Smokeless rifle powder
- Extremely temperature stable
- Contains de-coppering agent
- Excellent lot-to-lot consistency
- REACH-compliant

Reloder® 15
Smokeless medium rifle
- Broad caliber range
- Contains de-coppering agent
- High velocity varmint loads

Reloder®TS 15.5
Smokeless medium rifle
- Intermediate burn speed between Reloder 15 and Reloder 16
- World-class temperature stability
- Ideal for loading heavy bullets in 308 Win.and 223 Rem.
- Enhanced velocity in 6mm wildcats versus Reloder 15
- Contains decoppering agent
- Broad application range
- Excellent lot-to-lot consistency
- REACH compliant

Reloder® 16
Smokeless medium rifle
- World-class stability across temperature extremes
- Contains proprietary de-coppering additive
- Excellent lot-to-lot consistency

Reloder® 17
Smokeless medium rifle
- Designed for short magnum case capacity
- Meters easily and consistently
- Outstanding ballistic efficiency and high energy density

Reloder® 19
Smokeless heavy rifle
- Powder of choice for .30-06 and .338 calibers
- Excellent metering
- Accurate and consistent

Reloder® 22
Smokeless magnum rifle
- Powder of choice for 7mm Mag and .300 Win Mag
- Excellent metering
- Accurate and consistent

Reloder® 23
Smokeless magnum rifle powder
- TZ® technology provides exceptionally consistent velocities across temperature extremes
- Contains proprietary de-coppering additive
- Ideal for long-range target shooting

Reloder® 25
Smokeless heavy magnum rifle
- Ideal for over bore magnums
- Contains proprietary de-coppering additive
- Made in Sweden to Alliant Powder specifications

Reloder® 26
Smokeless magnum rifle powder
- EI® technology produces extremely high velocities in magnum cartridges
- Contains proprietary de-coppering additive
- Controlled temperature stability

Reloder® 33
Smokeless magnum rifle powder
- Specifically designed for the .338 Lapua
- Also suited for a variety of large magnum rifle cartridges
- Superior lot to lot consistency.

Reloder® 50
Smokeless powder for 50 caliber rifle
- Clean burning with less residue
- Density designed for application
- Superior velocity

AR-Comp – Your Dedicated AR Powder
Engineering for fast cycling, high-volume semi-automatic rifles. Learn more »
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